You can access my Google Scholar Profile here
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Gopalan, M., Jung, J., Chiang, S., Linden-Carmichae, A., & Lanza, S. (2024). College Students’ Sense of Belonging and Alcohol Use amidst COVID-19: Evidence from a 21-day Daily Diary Study. PloS ONE, 19(12). (Link to Open Access)
Jung, J., & Fenelon, A. (2024). Do later school start times improve adolescents’ sleep and substance use? A quasi-experimental study. Preventive Medicine, 185. (Link to Pre-print)
- Jung, J., & Gopalan, M. (2023). The Stubborn Unresponsiveness of Youth Voter Turnout to Civic Education: Quasi-experimental Evidence from State-Mandated Civics Tests. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 46(4), 764-787. (Link to Open Access)
- Policy Brief: Scholars Strategy Network
- Media Coverage: AERA Newsroom, Diverse, Education Week 1 2, Enid News, EurekAlert!, KOSU – NPR, News Wise, Pennsylvania State University News, Phys Org, Science Magazine, and WLRN.
- Byun, S. Y., Jung, J., & Shin, T. S. (2023). Does shadow education discourage or encourage creative thinking? Evidence from South Korea. Journal for the Study of Education and Development. Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 46(4), 774-808. (Link to Pre-print)
- Best Paper Award 2023 in the thematic area of Applied Educational Research in the Journal for the Study of Education and Development
- Yi, H. J., Shin, Y. J., Min, Y., Jeong, J., Jung, J., & Kang, Y. (2023). Perception and Experience of Sexual and Gender Minority Korean Youth in School Counseling. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 45(2), 189-209. (Link to Open Access)
In Korean
Byun, S., Park, S., & Jung, J. (2024). Socioeconomic Disparities in Korean Children’s Expected Occupational Status: An International Comparative Perspective. Korean Journal of Sociology of Education, 34(2), 55-87.
Chung, H., Park, S., Jung, J., & Byun, S., (2024). The effect of graduating from a private elementary school on college admissions results. Korean Journal of Sociology of Education, 34(1), 197-236.
- Byun, S., Chung, H., & Jung, J. (2022). The effect of private elementary school attendance on the likelihood of attending elite high schools. Korean Journal of Sociology of Education, 32(1), 59-89.
- Media Coverage: Kukminilbo
Kim, H., Yu, K., Jung, J. (2020). A longitudinal analysis of the characteristics of democratic citizens in South Korean moral education textbooks, 1973-2020. Journal of Moral & Ethics Education, 69, 375-410.
Jung, J., & Hwang, S. (2020). The influence of family income on adolescents’ Grit: The mediation roles of extracurricular activities and parenting style. Korean Journal of Youth Studies, 27(11), 283-312.
Jung, J., & Yu, K. (2020). The roles of national identity and intergroup contact on South Koreans’ attitudes toward North Korean defectors: A multicultural perspective. Multicultural Education Studies, 13(3), 85-111.
Kim, H., Yu, K., Jung, J., Sin, J., & Kim, D. (2020). A longitudinal analysis of the contents of national and global citizenship in South Korean moral education textbooks, 1973-2020. Journal of Moral & Ethics Education, 68, 223-254.
- Jung, J. (2019). Gender representation in middle school moral education textbooks in South Korea, 1973-2019. Journal of Moral & Ethics Education, 64, 241-270. (in Korean)
Working Papers and Manuscripts Under Review
Jung, J. (R&R). Uncovering Absence Patterns among LGBTQ+ Students: Evidence from 190,000 Students in 2013–2020.
Jung, J. & Fenelon, A. (Under review). Effects of Later School Start Time Policies on Sleep and Time Use Differ Across School Levels.
Byun, S., Park, S., Chung, H., Jung, J., Shin, T., & Kim, J. (R&R). Does Shadow Education Affect Behavioral (Dis)Engagement? Evidence from South Korean Elementary School Students.
Gopalan, M., Jung, J., Hanselman, P. (Under review). Historical Patterns and Trends in Teacher-Student Demographic Changes in the US.